united territorial community, decentralization, orphans, social services, children deprived of parental care, social work, social protection, martial law, readiness to work in a united territorial community, social service professionalsAbstract
In the conditions of a full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine in 2022, the number of social problems and risks has increased sharply. The state faced new tasks to ensure social and legal protection of citizens. The fulfillment of these tasks can be achieved by providing quality social services at both the state and local levels. In the scientific article, the author considered the issue of providing social services to orphans and children deprived of parental care in the united territorial community. The essence is revealed, the needs and resources of the specified category, which are relevant at the local level, are determined. The concepts of "social services", "territorial community", "united territorial community" and the main principles of providing social services to children under martial law in Ukraine are analyzed. The main entities that provide social services have been identified - social services and the objects of activity of these entities. The urgent problem of today and the importance of organizing work using an integrated approach in the provision of social services to orphans and children deprived of parental care are noted. The range of social problems and risks that determine the main forms and methods of providing social services to this category of children is outlined. It was found that despite the fact that Ukraine is in a state of war, social work is carried out to place children in family forms of education. It was determined that the process of improving social work with children of the specified category in the united territorial community under martial law is possible and requires new approaches in the activities of structures involved in working with children. It is noted that the provision of social services in the united territorial community is developing as one of the priority areas, both at the state and local levels.
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