immersive technologies, augmented reality, virtual reality, distance learning, blended learning, teaching physicsAbstract
The article reveals the key aspects of the use of immersive technologies in distance and blended learning. Recent studies have shown the importance of immersive technologies in improving the quality of education and engaging students in the study of natural sciences, especially in conditions where traditional teaching methods are limited or insufficient. The purpose of our work is to determine the methodological features of using virtual and augmented reality technologies. The potential benefits of using these technologies are analyzed, in particular, their ability to create realistic simulations of the real world, promote interactivity and cooperation between students, and provide an individualized approach to learning. The article highlights the advantages and problems arising in the process of using immersive technologies of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) in the context of distance and blended learning. Special attention is paid to the analysis of augmented reality applications available for free use in the educational process: ArBook, Electricity AR, PhET Interactive Simulations, GO-LAB, Labster. The article presents methodical methods of using technologies in teaching physics, which were tested by the authors in practice. To determine the readiness of students to use immersive technologies and their satisfaction with learning in the new environment, a survey was conducted, the results of which showed that studying physics using immersive technologies makes students and pupils enjoy the learning process and improves overall results. The emphasis is placed on the need for further research and development of immersive technologies in order to ensure accessibility and improve their educational potential, optimize the modern educational process and reduce the cost of teaching aids. Immersive technologies have great potential to improve the learning process, which encourages teachers and researchers to actively research, implement and develop these technologies, create new methods of their application to ensure more effective learning.
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