
  • Oleksii NOVOSAD Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Polina PISHOVA National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Volodymyr BOZHKO Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Victoria SHPAK Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



single crystals, thermoelectricity, thermal conductivity coefficient, thermoelectric figure of merit


This article is devoted to studies the dependence of the thermal conductivity coefficient and thermoelectric figure of merit in (AgSb)1-xPbxSe2 single crystals on their composition. We found that the lattice component provides the main contribution to the thermal conductivity of solid solutions (AgSb)1-xPbxSe2 at x=0-0,4. The electronic thermal conductivity in single crystals with values of x at 0,92-1, becomes close to the lattice component. An increase in the Pb fraction of (AgSb)1-xPbxSe2 in the range from x=0 to x=0,4 leads to a decrease in the thermal conductivity (AgSb)1-xPbxSe2 from 0.56 W / K · m to 0.27 W / K · m, and an increase in x from 0,92 to 1 leads to an increase in the thermal conductivity in the range from 0,45 W / K · m to 1,11 W / K · m. The thermoelectric figure of merit was the highest in all compositions: (AgSb)1-xPbxSe2 at x = 0, 0,1, 0,2 0,92, 1 (ZT≈0,014-0,46). Having a high value of the thermoelectric figure of merit, single crystals of such composition are promising materials for thermoelectric energy generation. The smooth change of thermoelectric properties (AgSb)1-xPbxSe2 with a formation in the content of Pb atoms can find practical use in semiconductor instrumentation, where AgSbSe2 and PbSe materials are used.


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How to Cite

НОВОСАД, О., ПІШОВА, П., БОЖКО, В., & ШПАК, В. (2021). THERMOELECTRIC FIGURE OF MERIT IN (AGSB)1-ХPBХSE2 SINGLE CRYSTALS. Physics and Educational Technology, (1), 39–45.