width of the forbidden band, photoconductivity, activation energy, photoconductivity kineticsAbstract
A low hygroscopic of the crystal surfaces (TlInSe2)1-x(GeSe2)x (х=0,1; 0,2) was established in the work. The p-type conductivity is established. The dependence of the change in the width of the for bidden ban don the temperature and the component content of the investigated compounds was established. The thermal activation energy of the conductivity and the energy position of the hole traps are determined. It is shown that the crystals (TlInSe2)1-x(GeSe2)x (х=0,1; 0,2) exhibit the properties of disordered systems with the formation of "tails" of the density of electronic states adjacent to the edges of the allowed bands. Based on the analysis of the frequency dependence of the absorption coefficient, the temperature dependence of the electric and photo conductivity, a model of optical transitions has been proposed, which explains the connection of the impurity maxima of the photoconductivity spectra with the corresponding structural defects.
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