



second law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic duality, entropy emission, technological process


The principle of thermodynamic duality in the applied sense allows finding specific mechanisms for minimizing waste at the source of their origin, in the technological process, the proof of which is the purpose of the article. The paper considers the conditions of redistribution of energy and entropy in systems with different levels of non-equilibrium in such a way that allows to increase this non-equilibrium relative to the maximum possible part of raw materials. There is a methodological argument set forth by I. Prigozhin, inherent in this work, that in open thermodynamic systems, entropy may not be able to increase as a result of energy changes in this system, by emission to the supersystem, and thus freeing up the field for that part of the energy that goes to carry out useful work in this system. The second law objectively embraces not only dissipative, but also inverse reparative processes of concentration of energy and matter, for the emergence and development of complex open systems in animate and inanimate nature by borrowing energy from supersystems. Referring to this, an attempt is made to transfer such regularities to the processes of waste generation in production systems. The gradual mutual dependence between thermodynamic processes associated with technologies for the production of finished products and their waste, on the one hand, and dissipative-reparative interactions both inside and outside the system, on the other, is shown. It is shown that in order to create conditions for minimizing waste in the source of their origin – the technological process, it is necessary to ensure the redistribution of entropy between the components of the raw material base in such a way that the negentropy embedded in the finished product increases due to the increase in the entropy of the other material part of the system, and spreads, first of all, to that part of the raw material to which the properties of waste are attributed. This is one of the main elements of scientific novelty in the applied sense of the work. Using examples, a description of the processes characterized by redistributions of entropy and the opposite processes of borrowing energy from the supersystem to the system is provided, which allows to ensure its synergy with respect to waste.


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How to Cite

VOLOSHYN В. (2024). ON ONE PECULIARITY OF THE PRINCIPLE OF THERMODYNAMIC DUALITY AS A CAUSE OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE. Physics and Educational Technology, (2), 12–18. https://doi.org/10.32782/pet-2024-2-2