



nanostructure, nanofilm, lead diiodide, phonon


Unique properties of quasi-two-dimensional structures based on the layered semiconductor lead diiodide make them attractive for the creation of advanced nanoelectronic devices. Currently, a number of technologies have been developed for obtaining quasi-two-dimensional structures based on lead diiodide, and a large body of experimental research results on their properties has been accumulated. However, there are relatively few studies dedicated to the theoretical description of the phenomena and processes occurring in such structures. In particular, the role of acoustic phonons in shaping the characteristic properties of these structures remains largely unexplored. The purpose of this work was to investigate theoretically the temperature dependencies of the average group velocities of acoustic phonons in lead diiodide nanofilms of varying thickness. Using the methods of classical dynamics of atoms in a crystalline lattice within the approximation of an elastic continuum, the frequencies and group velocities of acoustic phonons in a hexagonal quasi-two-dimensional crystalline structure – lead diiodide nanofilm (polytype 2H-PbI2) – were calculated. The calculations were carried out using previously established analytical dependencies of the dispersion laws for these quantities for each mode of acoustic phonons with all possible polarizations: shear, flexural, and dilatational. Further averaging of the group velocities was performed using methods of statistical physics with the distribution function of phonon states by frequencies in the 2D-structure and the Bose-Einstein distribution. Thus, for the first time, a study was conducted on the temperature dependencies of the average phonon velocities for each of the mentioned polarizations for different sets of values of the parameter N – the number of layered 2H-PbI2 packets in the nanofilm, which determines its thickness. It has been shown that by changing the temperature and thickness of the nanofilm, the propagation speed of phonons for each polarization can be significantly altered. Particularly, by reducing the thickness of the lead diiodide nanofilm, the group velocity of shear-polarized phonons can be reduced by several times, and the velocities of SA- and AS-polarized phonons can be reduced by tens of times. The temperature changes in phonon propagation speeds are nonlinear: in the low-temperature range (below 150, 90, and 50 K for SA-, AS-, and shear-polarized phonons, respectively), their values increase rapidly with rising temperature, whereas at higher temperatures, they are almost independent of it. Results of this study can be used to create thermoelectric devices based on 2H-PbI2 nanofilms with the desired properties, since the speed of heat flows, determined by the speed of propagation of acoustic phonons, is regulated by the appropriate thickness selection.


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How to Cite

LUTSIUK Ю. (2024). TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCES OF THE AVERAGED GROUP VELOCITIES OF ACOUSTIC PHONONS IN FLAT NANOFILMS OF LEAD DIIODIDE. Physics and Educational Technology, (2), 40–46. https://doi.org/10.32782/pet-2024-2-6