pedagogical experiment, cross-cutting concepts, bilingual approach, teaching method of physics, institutions of general secondary educationAbstract
The article presents the organization and results of a pedagogical experiment on the implementation of the developed methodology of teaching physics based on the bilingual approach in the educational process of general secondary education institutions. The definition of a pedagogical experiment is also given. Pedagogical experiment covered ascertaining, search, formative and control stages of research. During the experiment, the methods of observation, questionnaire, testing, experiment, and statistical methods of processing the results were used. The Google forms service and various types of tests were used to organize remote testing: single-choice, multiple-choice, right/wrong, to establish compliance. The article shows a diagram of the distribution of students in control and experimental groups according to the level of educational achievements, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed the statistical reliability of the influence of the proposed method on the qualitative indicators of the formation of key competences and positive changes in students' assimilation of educational material in physics. Significant changes were found in the formation of such key competencies as: the ability to learn throughout life, information and digital competence, communication in a foreign language. Also, the implementation of the methodology developed by us contributes to: increasing students' motivation to study, interest in studying physics, developing critical thinking, improving students' ability to use all available information sources to solve tasks, for example, educational projects, developing skills to use applied software in the process of studying physics , development of communication skills, group work, educational communication, etc.
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