Purpose and tasks

The scientific journal "Physics and Educational Technology" practices a policy of open access to published content, supporting the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and global exchange of knowledge for the sake of general social progress.

The purpose of the journal "Physics and Educational Technology" is to cover the results of research in the field of secondary and vocational education (by subject specialties), to get acquainted with modern scientific developments, to join the latest developments in the field of secondary and vocational education (by subject specialties).

This goal defines the main tasks:

- to promote the creation of an open information environment that provides interaction between leading experts and young scientists in the field of secondary and vocational education (by subject specialties);

- to intensify the development of the international community of specialists in the field of secondary and vocational education (by subject specialties);

- to promote the development of the scientific pedagogical school of the Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, the expansion of ties with the scientific and educational communities.