family diagnostics, military situation, psychological state of the family, emotional stability, stress, injuries, family relations, psychological support.Abstract
The article examines the features and main directions of diagnostics of military officers’ families during military service. The concept of military situation as a special legal regime that introduced in the country or in some of its areas in the event of armed aggression or threat of attack is analyzed. The functions of the family that ensure stability in society and the state are considered: reproductive, educational, household, recreational, regenerative, social control function. The article describes the characteristic features of families of combatants and factors that affect the functioning of the family, including: the functioning of the family without one of the parents; the absence of military officer at family events; the presence of stress related to the potential failure of beloved person to return home from war; a high level of anxiety associated with the specifics of professional activity (risk to life and health, frequent moves due to a change of place of service, etc.); problems in upbringing of children (excessive care and lack of care are typical); high level of aggressiveness of parents of military officers. The importance of carrying out the diagnostic stage before carrying out psychological work with the families of military officers who have difficulties is analyzed and the dependence of the effectiveness of this help on the accuracy of the diagnosis is emphasized. The article describes the reasons that complicate the psychodiagnosis of a military officer’s family and the main tasks that need to be solved in the research process. The article proposes methods for: diagnosis of family interaction, study of the individuality of spouses, study of the systems of interests, needs, values of partners, study of the moral and psychological foundations of marital relationship, examination of the child's mental development, diagnostics of child-parent relations, study of interpersonal relations in the "parent- child" system. The selection of methods and directions of research of military officers’ families presented in this article has recommendatory nature and can be changed according to the purpose and tasks of psychological support.
Закон України «Про правовий режим воєнного стану» від 12.05.2015 № 389-VIII
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