
  • Kateryna Shkarlatiuk
  • Viktor Koshyrets



stress, psychological adaptation, stress-overcoming behavior, resilience, coping strategy, personality resources, emotional stability.


The article represents the specifics of stress-overcoming behavior of servicemen; the determinants of formation of coping strategies of a personality have been analyzed. Psychological and statistical data analysis of the ascertainment stage of the research is presented. The study of coping mechanisms made it possible to demonstrate the average and high indicators of problem-oriented coping (rationality and prudence in decision-making), the low level of emotionally-oriented coping (focuse on own experience, feelings of disappointment, fear, despair),the low and average level of manifestation of coping oriented on avoidance (distraction from stressful or critical situation by performing other types of activities). The study of adaptation peculiarities shows the average and high level of adaptation abilities and neuropsychological stability. The conducted correlation analysis revealed the following peculiarities: subjects with high neuropsychological stability are characterized by the low tendency to irritation, high balance, low shyness and low emotional lability; subjects with emotionally-oriented coping are characterized by the low tendency to irritation and shyness; subjects with avoidance-oriented coping are characterized by the low indicators of emotional lability; servicemen with high manifestation of emotional coping mechanisms have low level of emotional lability. The tasks and forms of realization of the complex correctional training program of the development of effective strategies for stress-overcoming military behavior in combat conditions are described and defined. The proposed program is aimed at preserving mental and physical health of military personnel. The program is aimed at identifying psychological capabilities (resources), developing professional and personality qualities and self-regulation techniques. The conclusions of master's thesis contain the overview of theoretical and empirical study results of peculiarities of stress-overcoming behavior; the ways of developing effective coping strategies are proposed. The practical significance of the obtained results is defined by possibility of using the developed and tested complex of psychodiagnostic methods and the proposed psychocorrective program in work with servicemen.


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Федоренко Р.П., Коширець В.В., Шкарлатюк К.І. Особливості психологічної реабілітації військовослужбовців із суїцидальною поведінкою, детермінованою сімейною ситуацією. Наукові перспективи (Серія «Державне управління», Серія «Право», Серія «Економіка», Серія «Медицина», Серія «Педагогіка», Серія «Психологія»). № 8 (26), 2022. С. 408-421.



How to Cite

Шкарлатюк, К. І., & Коширець, В. В. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS OF STRESS-OVERCOMING BEHAVIOUR OF SERVICEMEN. Psychological Studies, (1), 69–75.


