Internet addiction, social networks, psychological support, marital relations, intra-personal potential, counseling assistance.Abstract
The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the psychological factors of an individual’s dependence on social networks, revealing the peculiarities of the course of marital and family relations in the presence of a symptom of dependence of partners, or one of them, on social networks. The results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of the dependence of partners on social networks, the analysis of marital relations and the influence of the studied dependence on the functioning of the family are presented. Insights into the peculiarities of providing counseling assistance to married couples with the aim of reducing Internet addiction and increasing the level of satisfaction of partners in family life have gained further development. It has been proven that the dependence of partners on social networks has a peculiar effect on sexual relationships, as it contributes to the formation of sexual neuroticism and aggressive sex; younger and middle-aged women show more interest in social networks and realizing themselves in them in the form of specific data from their daily personal life; for both men and women, it is more comfortable to communicate with real partners, they feel safer with them, feel less tension, despite the fact that with real partners they often have to give up their desires, self-esteem is more often damaged, anxiety and feelings of jealousy arise more often. The analysis of the results obtained during the research on the relationship between Internet addiction and self-esteem proved that there are also differences in giving preference to online hobbies: people with low and low self-esteem are dominated by Internet communication, people with high self-esteem are characterized by «hanging out» in online games, studied with adequate self-esteem do not give a particular preference to a specific type of hobby, they equally spend time playing online games and periodically make online acquaintances. The obtained results prove the need to develop a collective program for working with young people on the harmonization of intra-personal potential, as well as psychological support of married couples with Internet addiction partners.
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