
  • Oleksandr Timchenko
  • Diana Pokhilko



extreme psychologists, emotional burnout, professional burnout, psychological health, emergency situation.


The article states that among the first to provide psychological assistance to people affected by an emergency of a natural, man-made or military nature are extreme psychologists who arrive at the scene of a disaster with emergency response services. It is extreme psychologists who work at the same moment and situation where psychological trauma is formed in a person. Taking into account the fact that every day enemy missiles arrive in different parts of Ukraine, maiming and killing many people, including children, the amount of work for extreme psychologists has increased significantly. The article raises the question of what happens next with extreme psychologists? How do they cope with the negative emotions that the victims throw at them? How do they restore their condition? Where do you get the strength to continue helping others and perform your professional duties efficiently? These and many other questions arise when looking at the work of extreme psychologists in the emergency zone. It is stated that after working with victims in the center of an emergency situation, extreme psychologists are left alone with the experience, emotions, and memories they have gained. To date, neither at the legislative nor at the practical level, there are no measures that would be taken with extreme psychologists after they have completed their tasks in the emergency zone. It has been proven that even today extreme psychologists have clearly expressed signs of emotional exhaustion: reduced intellectual and physical capacity, rapid fatigue, reluctance to communicate with others, social isolation, a desire for social isolation, aggressiveness and conflict. An opinion was expressed regarding the expediency of creating and putting into practice a certain procedure aimed at preventing the occurrence of professional burnout among extreme psychologists of the State Emergency Service who worked in the emergency zone.


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How to Cite

Тімченко, О. В., & Похілько, Д. С. (2023). PROBLEM ISSUES OF PROFESSIONAL BURNOUT PREVENTION OF EXTREME PSYCHOLOGISTS. Psychological Studies, (2), 172–177.


