
  • Yuliya Chemodurova




assessment, evaluation, New Ukrainian School, subject position, agency, style of evaluation activity.


The article presents a theoretical analysis of the problem of teacher’s evaluation activity in the context of the implementation New Ukrainian School’s Concept. The psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of the influence of the teacher’s evaluation style on the formation of the subjective position of the student are revealed. Emphasized that the modern educational process of the New Ukrainian School, which is based on the principles of activity-based, personalityoriented and competence-based approaches, is a complex of objective and subjective factors, as well as specially created conditions aimed at developing the student’s personality and stimulating the process of forming his or her subjective position. The subjective position of a schoolchild is viewed as an integrative personal formation, the formation of which occurs in the process of conscious, active and relatively autonomous interaction of a child with the social environment, in particular, an educational institution. The author emphasizes that the formed subjective position is manifested by the child’s agency, i.e., the ability to set goals, reflect and act to influence changes in their own lives and in the world around them. It is noted that one of the most significant factors in the formation of a student’s subjective position, the formation of his or her agency, is the style of the teacher’s assessment activity and the system of assessment of students’ educational achievements chosen by him or her. The psychological difficulties of teachers’ transition to new ways and approaches in assessing students’ educational achievements are considered. It is shown that the traditional grading system, the absolutization of evaluative judgments and the teacher’s monopolization of the right to evaluate often act as a traumatic element for the child’s psyche. In the context of the implementation of the New Ukrainian School’s principles, the need to shift the teacher’s attention from the formal recording of subject learning outcomes to the sphere of meta-subject and personal development of the student, analysis of the prerequisites and dynamics of his or her educational achievements is recognized. The author emphasizes the need to consolidate in the teacher’s professional activity a constructive style of evaluation, which is based on a positive emotional and value-based attitude towards the student and includes stating, reflective, predictive and projective components of evaluation.


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How to Cite

Чемодурова, Ю. М. (2023). EVALUATION ACTIVITY OF THE TEACHER IN THE NEW UKRAINIAN SCHOOL: PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT. Psychological Studies, (2), 195–201. https://doi.org/10.32782/psych.studies/2023.2.25


