
  • Victoria Bohun
  • Nataliia Makohonchuk



social crises, coping strategies, internal resources, teachers, stress, well-being


The relevance of the study of internal human resources is determined by a number of crisis phenomena in society, which are intensified by the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Military realities cause a number of traumatic events and social challenges, to which a person must respond adequately and find effective answers, mastering a huge arsenal of personal adaptation resources. The stressful, psychotraumatic situation associated with military events affects the mental health and well-being of every person. Teachers of secondary schools are no exception. The study of coping strategies was conducted among teachers in Khmelnytskyi and Tyachiv, Zakarpattia Oblast. People of mature age were involved in the survey, since this category is the main one in this professional group. In the course of the conducted empirical research, it was found that the dominant coping strategies in overcoming stressful and traumatic life events are teachers' orientation towards solving tasks and actively overcoming stressful and traumatic situations. Internal resources that teachers usually use to overcome stressful situations are cognitive practices and cognitive strategies, focus on social support and social belonging, reliance on one's own beliefs, value system, and willingness to follow one's philosophy of life. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the development and enrichment of resources related to the expression of emotions and feelings aimed at the development of creativity, dreams and fantasies. In situations where a person is "knocked out of the rut" and has lost the ground under his feet, he should turn to those resources that have not yet been manifested or are not being used to their full extent. It is important to understand the strengths and develop weak (passive) channels, thus strengthening resistance to traumatic events and developing oneself as a harmonious balanced personality.


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How to Cite

Богун, В. В., & Макогончук, Н. В. (2023). PREVAILING COPING STRATEGIES OF TEACHERS IN WARTIME CONDITIONS. Psychological Studies, (3), 7–14.


