determinants of communicative competence, components of communicative competence, cognitive component, motivational component, behavioral componentAbstract
This article is devoted to the study of the process of development of communicative competence in psychology students. Considering this process from three key components – motivational, cognitive and activity, the author of the article points out the importance of each of them in the formation of effective communication skills in future psychologists. An important aspect of the study is the understanding and analysis of the main approaches to the communicative competence of psychology students. In particular, the article examines in detail the informational, linguistic, and activity aspects of this competence, where the informational aspect studies the psychological features of receiving and transmitting information, characteristics of interlocutors, and means of communication; linguistic – based on the understanding of the speech act as a process of communication; activity – includes the understanding of communication as a type of activity. In addition, this publication carefully examines the factors that influence the development of communicative competence of psychology students, in particular, sensitivity to the age period, the influence of informal communication with peers, participation in seminars, master classes, discussions, public speeches, consultations and psychotherapy practice.
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