demographic crisis, reproductive health, reproductive age, disease, reproductive systemAbstract
The health of women of reproductive age is the basis of the formation of the health of new generations of the population. Reducing the prevention of mortality, the incidence of women with diseases that reduce reproductive potential, as well as motivating them to lead a healthy lifestyle are urgent tasks in the field of strengthening the country's demographic potential. The purpose of this work is to analyze the main indicators characterizing the health of women of reproductive age in Ukraine, as well as the characteristics of behavioral factors that affect the health of this population category. that currently the main threat to the health of women aged 15–49 is neoplasms, including malignant tumors localized in the organs of the female reproductive system. The problem of female infertility remains relevant. It is shown that cardiovascular diseases, osteochondrosis, diseases of the kidneys, eyes, and thyroid gland are also common among women of reproductive age. The prevalence of health disorders gradually increases from younger to older age groups of women. Among the behavioral factors that have a negative impact on women's health, it should be noted a decrease in their physical activity with age and a weak adherence to the diet in all age groups. At the same time, the correct organization of preventive work with women of reproductive age in medical organizations can contribute to a significant improvement in their health indicators, since this category of the population demonstrates high medical activity. It is proposed to develop thematic programs of comprehensive health examination of various body systems for women of reproductive age. This work can be carried out taking into account health centers. The implementation of such an approach will allow, on the one hand, to increase people's awareness of their health, the demand for preventive medical measures, and on the other hand, to increase the rates of early detection of dangerous diseases and partially solve the problems of the demographic crisis in the country.
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