
  • Natalia Kosheleva
  • Yulia Shcherbyna



adolescents, leader, leadership, leadership qualities, communicative abilities, organizational inclinations, empirical research


The article addresses a significant issue concerning the development of leadership qualities in adolescents. The concept of leadership and a leader are analyzed, defining a leader as the most authoritative member of a social group with decision-making authority. The functions and psychological qualities of a leader are outlined. The importance of cultivating leadership skills during adolescence is substantiated due to adolescents’ aspirations for independence, autonomy, recognition, respect, and popularity. The motivation for leadership in adolescents is explored. Among the most crucial leadership characteristics in adolescents are communicative and organizational abilities, along with a motivation for achievement. The hypothesis posits a connection between adolescents’ leadership qualities, their motivation for achievement, and their communicative and organizational abilities. To test this hypothesis, an empirical study is conducted using psychodiagnostic methods: T. Eler’s Motivation for Success Personality Diagnostic, which assesses an individual’s chances of success; "Leadership Abilities Assessment" by E. Zharykov and E. Krushelnytskyi, evaluating a person’s leadership potential; and "Assessment of Communicative and Organizational Inclinations – ACO" by V.V. Syniavskyi and B.O. Fedorishyn, gauging the level of communicative and organizational inclinations. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the examination results are performed, constructing tables that depict the extent to which the studied psychological phenomena manifest in the participants. Through correlation analysis, a statistically significant relationship is identified between leadership abilities and motivation for success, as well as between leadership abilities and communicative and organizational inclinations, confirming the research hypothesis. A training program is proposed for cultivating leadership qualities in adolescents, designed to be utilized by school psychologists.


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How to Cite

Kosheleva Н. Г., & Shcherbyna Ю. М. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF LEADERSHIP QUALITIES FORMATION IN ADOLESCENCE. Psychological Studies, (3), 68–73.


