
  • Larysa Mishchykha
  • Nataliia Kobylianska



student youth, procrastination, academic procrastination, martial law, personality maturity


This article is dedicated to the research of the problem of students' academic procrastination in the conditions of martial law. The academic procrastination is understood as conscious and irrational delay in performing educational tasks by the individual with understanding of consequences of such behaviour and presence of negative emotional experiences. The determinants of academic procrastination are identified, namely: associated with the procrastinator personality (personal motivational sphere, emotional sphere, level of self-organization); with tasks specific (its difficulty, the execution time, the clarity of requirements); with external influence (social contacts, the organization of educational activity). According to the empirical study results, the most significant components of influence on students’ academic procrastination were personal (stress, exhaustion, sense of guilt) and organizational (violation of the educational activity organization), at what the level of stress reached above average. Reasons for the delay of tasks, young men see in unwillingness to perform them (social control, specificity of task perception), in lack of interest in performing these tasks (motivation component), where the component of influence of the environment was insignificant. Reducing in the level of importance of educational activity for students can be traced after the war began, and also the low and average level of motivation to study. The low level of self-organization and self-control plays a significant role in academic procrastination. During the war the process of self-control over the performance of educational tasks has become more complicated, as well as the ability to perform them according to the specified period. The resource in timely performance of their tasks, students see in their own subjectivity – personality maturity and creation that is an important step on the way to adulthood. The perspectives of our research we see in the development of the program of students' psychological help to overcome academic procrastination in the conditions of martial law.


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How to Cite

Міщиха, Л. П., & Кобилянська, Н. М. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF ACADEMIC PROCRASTINATION OF STUDENTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF MARTIAL LAW. Psychological Studies, (3), 95–101.


