psychological assistance, infertile women, medical setting, infertility treatment, reproductive systemAbstract
Psychological assistance to women who suffer from infertility, in the medical minds, is an important and invisible part of the healing process. Infertility can be extremely stressful for women, and psychological support can help them deal with the emotional and psychological difficulties that result from this problem. It is clear that doctors and psychologists in medical settings can provide immediate psychological assistance to women who suffer from infertility: information and counseling, support for emotional well-being, counseling to ensure: free You can go swimming with your partner, family and friends. Psychologists can help women communicate with loved ones about their sense of spontaneity, help strengthen cordons and improve communication, and also encourage them to understand, psychologists can help women prepare for copper basic procedures and treatment, discuss possible risks and side effects, help deal with anxiety and With the fear associated with the healing process, organizing group sessions for infertile wives can give you the opportunity to discuss your feelings with other wives who are experiencing a similar situation. This may be valuable and encouraging evidence that allows women to feel less self-conscious and isolated. Psychological assistance for women who suffer from infertility must be available in medical facilities where treatment is provided. This helps women stop receiving all the help and support they can to deal with the emotional and psychological consequences of infertility.
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