deviance, social environment, crisis events, antisocial behaviour, socialisationAbstract
This article provides a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of crisis periods and its impact on the structural element of society and its further influence and representation through the impact on the individual and the general conjuncture of society. The phenomenon of the spectrum is singled out to outline the problems of interaction of such a phenomenon as stability-instability of the social spectrum through the consideration of the economic factor as such. The problem of defining the individual and social context within the framework of the influence on the individual through the mediation of the influence of human socialisation is outlined. The author notes the identification of the social factor of the positive and negative spectrum in determining the impact on the social situation and socialisation of the individual within the phenomenon of deviation as such. The attention is focused on the allocation of the phenomena of the economic factor as one of the leading ones within the modern society and a phenomenon that allows to create a regulation of the spectrum of the social norm and further representation on the individual as a phenomenon of adaptation mechanism to the existing social norm. The article outlines the spectrum of the phenomenon of socialisation and its opposing spectrum, namely the phenomenon of asocialisation (antisocial behaviour) as one of the key mechanisms in the formation of an individual and his/her formation within the framework of adaptation mechanisms to the existing established norm within a certain social environment (society as such). The author outlines the phenomenon of the spectrum of structural differences between the stable and crisis spectrum of society, which affects the development of deviant behaviour. It is emphasised that the spectrum of features of the phenomenon of deviation and the mechanism of deviant behaviour in general is to take into account various factors that are accompanied by manifestations of social maladjustment. It is also noted that for the formation of the phenomenon of socialisation and its structural moment of representation of society, it is necessary to take into account the dynamic structural element of society as one of the elements of development in general.
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