
  • Viktoriia Vakar
  • Oksana Solovei-Lahoda



parenting style, personality formation, authoritarian parenting style, authoritative parenting style, uninvolved parenting style, permissive parenting style.


The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the latest research on the peculiarities of personality formation in families with different parenting styles. The concept of upbringing, parenting styles, and their influence on the behavior and personality formation of teenagers were studied. Different parenting styles are described, and the characteristics of each style, and their influence on the formation of individual psychological characteristics of the adolescent are analyzed. In particular, the study emphasizes that authoritarian parenting is characterized by ignoring the child’s position, suppressing the sense of dignity, initiative, and independence, and by a predominance of directive orders, and coercion that leads to a significant violation in the teenager’s personality formation. Uninvolved and permissive parenting styles have also a negative impact on the formation of the child’s personality. Uninvolved parents are distant and reserved, and characterized by avoiding active interaction with their children. Permissive parents, on the other hand, try to satisfy all the needs of the child with their efforts, thus form ing infantility and helplessness, as well as a lack of initiative for the child. The optimal style of parenting is considered to be an authoritative style, which provides parental support, mutual understanding and respect between children and parents, establishment of partnership relations based on sympathy, empathy, and responsibility, which positively affects the formation of the adolescent’s personality and his/her social competence. The influence of the parenting style on the teenager’s self-esteem formation, the level of claims, and values were empirically investigated. The impact of parenting style on anxiety levels and the manifestation of one or another type of anxiety through different styles of parenting were also studied.


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How to Cite

Вакар, В. В., & Соловей-Лагода, О. А. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF A PARENTING STYLE ON A TEENAGER’S PERSONALITY FORMATION. Psychological Studies, (4), 11–19.


