
  • Liudmyla Mahdysiuk
  • Maria Zamelyuk
  • Nataliya Dymarchuk



children of primary school age, emotional difficulties of the child, art therapy, anxiety.


The article is devoted to the theoretical and empirical consideration of art therapy as a means of psychocorrection of disorders of the emotional states of children of primary school age. The main theoretical approaches to the peculiarities of the emotional sphere of children of primary school age are substantiated. The key characteristics of the features of the emotional sphere of children of primary school age were studied, it was proved that this age is a sensitive period of the development of the emotional sphere of children of primary school age The results of an empirical study of the features of the emotional sphere of children of primary school age are presented, its features are revealed and directions for psychocorrection are determined. The psychodiagnostic complex includes: the “Family Picture” technique; the “Color test of relations» technique, the «Drawing of a non-existent animal” test. Ideas about the peculiarities of the formation of the emotional sphere of children of primary school age gained further development. Psychocorrection and its types in the context of the development of children of primary school age. General characteristics and advantages of art therapy as a means of psychocorrection and its therapeutic effect. It has been proven that a high level of personal anxiety is observed in 66% of children of primary school age, which indicates a persistent tendency of children to perceive a threat to their “I” (expectation of a negative evaluation or an aggressive reaction, perception of an unfavorable attitude towards themselves, a threat to their self-esteem, prestige) in various situations and react to these situations by increasing anxiety, tension, confusion, fear, which affects the emotional sphere of children. It is known that the prerequisite for the emergence of anxiety is the increased sensitivity (sensitivity) of the emotional sphere of younger schoolchildren. The obtained results prove the need to develop a psychological correctional program, the purpose of which is to reduce the level of anxiety of children of primary school age by means of play therapy.


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How to Cite

Магдисюк, Л. І., Замелюк, М. І., & Димарчук, Н. І. (2024). PSYCHOCORRECTION OF EMOTIONAL STATES DISORDERS IN EARLY SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN USING ART THERAPY. Psychological Studies, (4), 35–41.


