
  • Liudmyla Mahdysiuk
  • Mykhailo Romaniv
  • Denys Mahdysiuk



stress, suicide, unemployment, suicide phenomenon, suicidal risk, suicidal behavior.


The article describes that the loss of the possibility of professional realization in working age is perceived as the collapse of the entire meaning of life among people. Therefore, among the consequences of unemployment there is a sharp decrease in self-esteem and an increase in negative emotional states, in many cases there is a depressive syndrome with suicidal tendencies. It has been confirmed by statistical studies of this issue that in order to find out the actual causes of the phenomenon of suicide, it is necessary to consider this issue in various aspects, to take into account social and antisocial conditions, objective and subjective factors that accompany suicide and, collectively, explain its true nature. It has been proven that the stress experienced during the period of unemployment, which is also provoked by family members, can cause a reduction in the length of a person’s life. Suicidal behavior is an act of will, the structure of which includes suicidal thoughts, plans, intentions, parasuicide, completed suicide. There are several key periods in committing suicide that are important when analyzing the risk of suicide. In order to identify a suicidal person in time and provide the necessary help in time, the following stages are described: pre-suicidal period (first period), pre-suicidal period (second period), realization of suicidal thoughts (third period), post-suicidal period (fourth period). When assessing suicidal risks, suicide is considered a relatively stable social phenomenon. Its prevention is impossible without knowledge of the causes, indicator signs, motives and conditions. Assessment of the risk of suicide is one of the most important and difficult tasks of modern preventive medicine and concerns not only doctors, specialists in the field of psychiatry, but also practical psychologists. Therefore, we believe that it is important to provide high-quality psychological help and support to such categories of the population, their partners to prevent suicide.


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How to Cite

Магдисюк, Л. І., Романів, М. П., & Магдисюк, Д. Е. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE RISK OF SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR OF UNEMPLOYED MEN. Psychological Studies, (4), 42–48.


