
  • Ruslana Mozghova
  • Iryna Lysenkova



stress, resilience, psychological features, emotional manifestations.


The article reveals the psychological essence of the concept of personality resilience – a system of beliefs about oneself, the environment and interaction with the world, which prevents the occurrence of overstrain in a stressful situation through persistent coping. This is a unique model of the structure of skills and habits, which contributes to the transformation of changes that occur with a person into his opportunities. It was analyzed that sustainability consists of three components: involvement, control and risk acceptance. The first component, involvement, determines a person’s attitude towards himself, the world and interaction with it, motivating him to self-realization and allowing him to fully engage in solving tasks regardless of stressful factors. The second component, control, helps to find ways of influencing the results of stressful changes and avoids helplessness and passivity. The third component, risk-taking, allows you to be open to the world around you and perceive life events as challenges and opportunities for personal growth. Attention is drawn to the fact that a person’s reaction to stressful situations is manifested individually, but the following are common to all: fear, oppression and internal tension. All these factors have a negative impact on the psychological well-being of a person and lead to a gradual deterioration of his mental health and well-being, and the realities of modern life make high demands on the potential of the individual, his internal resources, the ability to act in a situation of uncertainty, to use active forms of self-regulation , which are necessary conditions for the effective functioning of a person, the formation of sustainable life strategies, the preservation and strengthening of his psychological health. It is indicated that among the many factors that determine work capacity and other health characteristics, mental resistance to stressful situations plays a major role. A high level of mental resistance to stress is a guarantee of preservation, development and strengthening of health and professional longevity of the individual. Empirically researched the psychological features of youth resilience in wartime conditions. For this, the following diagnostic methods were used: the ‘Stressfulness of life’ method by T. Holmes and R. Reich; the ‘PSM 25’ method of Lemur – Tessier – Filion; Madi’s ‘Sustainability’ technique. Recommendations on increasing the level of vitality of youth in wartime have been selected. It has been proven that the quality of a person’s vitality in conditions of constant stress is affected by the fact that a person becomes more vulnerable and against the background of such mood changes, stronger emotional outbursts can occur – anger, irritation, aggression, affective states. It was determined that the available studies show insufficient development of the concept of psychological resistance to stress, or life resistance, both in theoretical and practical aspects.


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How to Cite

Мозгова, Р. В., & Лисенкова, І. П. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF CHRONIC STRESS ON THE VITALITY OF YOUTH IN WARTIME CONDITIONS. Psychological Studies, (4), 49–55.


