
  • Andrii Yablonskyi
  • Mariia Kuzmina




conditions of war, war in Ukraine, life perspective, life path, life experience, theoretical analysis.


This article provides an in-depth exploration of the concepts of life perspective and life course, with a particular focus on the psychological foundations, structural components, and mechanisms of formation and development. The study delves into an extensive analysis of existing scientific literature, creating a solid theoretical framework that highlights the complex relationship between wartime conditions and life perspectives. An integral aspect of the study is the analysis of people’s psychological attitudes toward life prospects in wartime. This review has identified gaps in current scientific knowledge, which will contribute to a deeper study of this topic in the future. It is determined that the life course reflects the individual and social history of a person. Each stage of life is associated with certain historical and cultural events that have influenced the formation and development of society. Thus, life course research can help to understand a person’s behavior and attitudes toward life, as well as recreate the history of a particular period. The article goes on to discuss various conceptual ideas and approaches that highlight the evolution of scientific thought about the psychological structure of the life course. The literature review not only serves as a basis for the study, but also emphasizes the dynamic development of scientific thought on this topic. It highlights the changing research approaches, emphasizing the need for a holistic understanding of the formation of a person’s attitude toward his or her own life perspective. In addition to the theoretical basis, the article carefully analyzes empirical data from domestic researchers, which provide a realistic picture of the psychological consequences of war for individuals. Drawing on the research of domestic scholars, the article reveals how war conditions can shape particular views on life, affecting people’s perceptions and expectations of the future. The theoretical conclusions drawn from this analysis can provide a holistic understanding of the complex relationship between wartime experience and the psychological dynamics of life course. By delving into the specifics of the Ukrainian context, the study recognizes the unique features of the conflict by considering how these distinctive elements contribute to the complexity of individuals’ perceptions of their life prospects.


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How to Cite

Яблонський, А. І., & Кузьміна, М. О. (2024). A THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF PEOPLE’S ATTITUDE TOWARDS LIFE PERSPECTIVE IN THE CONTEXT OF WAR IN UKRAINE. Psychological Studies, (4), 79–84. https://doi.org/10.32782/psych.studies/2023.4.11


