mental health, subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, intergenerational relations, self-realizationAbstract
In the article, the theoretical analysis structure of the mental health problem is based on the definition of the World Health Organization, according to which it is defined as a set of such components as subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependence and recognition of the ability to realization of one’s own intellectual and emotional potential. It is noted that this definition is not based on psychiatric (medical), but on psychological dimensions of understanding and interpretation of mental health as such a phenomenon, which does not simply imply the absence of mental disorders, but also the manifestation of positive mental processes, states, and qualities in a person. It is determined that well-being is one of the most common categories in the context of concepts and theories related to the development of the researched problem. Its various types (physical, material, emotional, social) are briefly characterized, and among them is the subjective well-being of the person. According to the results of a pilot associative experiment (conducted in early January 2024), 9 semantic groups of verbal reactions of respondents (Ukrainians of different ages, genders, and socio-demographic status) to the stimulus word «mental health» were distinguished: 1) «spiritual-moral qualities and benchmarks », 2) «motivational-volitional processes, states, and qualities», 3) «affective processes and states», 4) «cognitive processes and states», 5) «prerequisites and vitality values», 6) «military and anti-military associations», 7) «communities and communication», 8) «other (abstract) associations» and 9) «actions and their prerequisites». Based on the results of the theoretical analysis and associative experiment, the prospects for further scientific research were identified, namely: the study of religious faith as a factor in the mental health of military servicemen who are participants in hostilities.
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