social work, sociologist, general and special competencies, professional training, program learning outcomesAbstract
The article states that the state policy of Ukraine is increasingly aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free human development. In modern society, complex and contradictory recovery processes are taking place, which sharpen attention to the social sphere associated with the reproduction and development of the human personality, with the formation of its active position in society. Social problems are a priority in the activities of the state. It is emphasized that the process of becoming a professional social worker as an integral element of the social sphere requires the acquisition of new knowledge necessary for this complex and ambiguous activity. The requirements for the personal qualities of future specialists in the social sphere are increasing. Social work belongs to the types of activities in which the specialist's competence is a significant component of professionalism. It is noted that the educational discipline «Psychological methods in social work» is aimed at forming in students of higher education the ability to establish and maintain relationships with clients on the basis of mutual trust and in accordance with the ethical principles and standards of social work, to provide them with psychological support and to harass clients. It is substantiated that «Psychological methods in social work» is a basic educational component of the mandatory part of the applicant's professional training. It is noted that the knowledge obtained during the study of the educational course «Psychological methods in social work» is studied after mastering the disciplines «General psychology», «Professional ethics of a sociologist», «Theory and technologies of social work» and is the basis for studying such disciplines as: «Age sociology», «Gender sociology», «Sociology of family and marriage», etc. The working curriculum is designed for applicants who are studying under the educational and professional training program of the first (bachelor) level of higher education, specialty 054 «Sociology». It is emphasized that the program is focused on the personal and professional growth of future sociologists and is built according to the requirements of the credit-module system for organizing the educational process in higher educational institutions, recommended by the European Credit Transfer System (ESTS).
Нікон Н.О. Соціологія управління : навч. посіб. Одеса : «ВМВ», 2014. 86 с.
Освітньо-професійна програма зі спеціальності 054 «Соціологія», введена в дію наказом ректора Національного університету «Одеська юридична академія» від 03.07. 2023 № 1774-6 URL: https://www.onua.edu.ua/ua/studentu-ua/osvitni– programy?view=article&id=6182:sotsiologiya-osvitno-profesijna-programa-pidgotovki-magistriv-za–spetsialnistyu-054-sotsiologiya&catid=615 (дата звернення 25.02.2024).
Про затвердження Стандарту вищої освіти за спеціальністю 054 «Соціологія» для першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти : наказ М-ва освіти і науки України від 04 березня 2020 р. № 371.
h t t p s : / / m o n . g o v. u a / s t o r a g e / a p p / m e d i a / v i s h c h a - o s v i t a / z a t v e r d z e n i % 2 0standarty/2021/07/28/054-Sotsiolohiya-bakalavr.28.07-1.pdf (дата звернення: 12.02.2024).