personal maturity, professional self-determination, personality formation, personal construct, self-esteem, personal meaningsAbstract
The purpose of this article is a theoretical analysis of the main theoretical approaches to understanding personal maturity that exist in modern science. The relevance of the chosen problem is substantiated, and its insufficient development is noted. An overview of the scientific research of domestic and foreign scientists in this field was carried out. Personal maturity is not a one-time development process, it is formed throughout life, and student age is a sensitive period of its development. The main focus is on the study of personal maturity as a complex and dynamic process characterized by its own characteristics at each age stage. The formation of personal maturity is considered as a gradual mastery of the individual's own inner world. This process is carried out with the help of self-awareness as a subject of personal life, a developed sense of responsibility, independence, self-sufficiency, creativity, tolerance, the presence of a life philosophy, the ability to participate in society. The theoretical ideas about the formation of personal maturity in the student period of life have been deepened and expanded. It was determined that a mature personality is one who has a sufficiently developed self-concept, formed views and values; developed social intelligence; the ability to make independent decisions and adapt to changing environmental conditions. The formation of personal maturity at this age is considered by us as a characteristic of the state of development of the student's personality, which is manifested in a high degree of his personal constructive activity and personal functional productivity. Professionally significant characteristics of personal maturity are revealed, which ensure the successful formation of a future specialist, a practical psychologist who can be realized in various fields of psychology. It has been proven that personal maturity is the result of assimilation of social and cultural norms in the educational process of a higher educational institution and becomes a factor of successful professional formation in the future.
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