social entrepreneurship, psychological readiness, students, psychological readiness of students for social entrepreneurshipAbstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the psychological readiness of students for social entrepreneurship. Based on the results of domestic scientific research, the author points out that the social significance of social entrepreneurship is growing, especially for the post-war reconstruction of communities. It is emphasized that the dual specificity of social entrepreneurship is reflected in the entrepreneurial and pro-social characteristics of the social entrepreneur's personality, his readiness for activity. A review of the retrospective of the development of views on the concept of individual readiness for professional activity was carried out. The views of scientists regarding the essence and features of the concept of psychological readiness of an individual for professional activity are analyzed. According to the results of research by domestic and foreign scientists, the peculiarities of the psychological readiness of an individual for entrepreneurship are indicated. To analyze the specifics of a person's psychological readiness for social entrepreneurship, an overview of the defined concept for a social worker was additionally carried out. The combination of the characteristics of psychological readiness according to entrepreneurial and pro-social vectors made it possible to offer a meaningful filling of the basic concept. The psychological readiness of an individual for social entrepreneurship is understood as a set of formed psychological characteristics of an individual that are inherent in the psychological content of social-entrepreneurial activity, and is a prerequisite for the implementation of social-entrepreneurial initiatives at the community level. It is noted that the formation and development of the individual's psychological readiness for social entrepreneurship should be implemented in the process of professionalization of the individual through the use of purposeful influence measures, as well as organizational changes in the university as an educational institution.
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