



choice of profession, IT specialists, influencing factors, professional reorientation, self-realization


The dynamics of the Ukrainian IT industry, with its rapid technological progress and globalizing labor market, creates a unique field for analyzing various factors influencing the career decisions of domestic IT specialists. Thus, the purpose of the study is to establish and evaluate the factors influencing the choice of profession by representatives of the IT industry in Ukraine. A wide range of factors influencing the choice of profession by IT specialists is considered: wages, the availability of a social package, development prospects, the opportunity to learn, develop professionally, the presence of a creative component in the work, official employment, flexible hours, corporate culture, the company’s market position and his image, recognition from other professionals and society as a whole, etc. In order to identify factors influencing the choice of profession by IT specialists, an online blitz survey was conducted among 43 participants of a specialized Ukrainian conference on project management. Based on the results of the survey, in which respondents were allowed to choose several answer options, key motivational factors were identified that encourage workers to change their specialty or search for new career opportunities in the field of information technology. It was found that 60% of respondents consider the main reason for their professional reorientation to be the search for more interesting work and better opportunities for self-realization; 40% – the importance of career progress and ambitions; 37% – the desire to receive higher wages, 14% – stability of employment, 16% – the prospects of the industry. Less important factors are the complexity of the job, stress, and the presence of friends in a new professional field (2% each). 33% of respondents noted that when choosing a profession, it is important for them to feel the value of work and contribution to the development of society. Attention is focused on the need to take into account the motivational factors for choosing a profession by IT specialists when developing career guidance and counseling strategies. We see further scientific research in studying the impact of changes in the technological environment and globalization on career ambitions and the choice of specialization in the IT industry.


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How to Cite

Рідей, Н. М. (2024). FACTORS IN THE CHOICE OF PROFESSION BY UKRAINIAN IT SPECIALISTS. Psychological Studies, (1), 150–154. https://doi.org/10.32782/psych.studies/2024.1.20


