career orientations, career, professional development, professional competence, future psychologists, professional trainingAbstract
The article is devoted to the topical issue of studying career orientations and their influence on the formation of professional competence of future psychologists. The concepts of career and career orientations are analyzed. Three main directions in the study of careers are characterized: socio-economic approach, managerial approach, organizational and psychological approach. A theoretical analysis of scientific research in foreign and domestic science on the concept of career orientations is carried out. The concept of career orientation is defined as the value orientations that guide a person when choosing his or her professional path. The concept of career orientations according to the concept of E. Shane's concept and, on this basis, eight main career orientations are allocated: professional competence, management, autonomy, stability, service, challenge, integration of lifestyles, entrepreneurship. The career orientations of future psychologists have been diagnosed. The dominance of such career orientations as "integration of lifestyles", "stability", "entrepreneurship" has been revealed. The lowest orientation of future psychologists to such important value orientations as "service", "challenge", "professional competence" was found. The prospect of further research is determined to take into account career orientations of future psychologists in the process of professional training, for better orientation in the labor market, its requirements and the possibility of choosing a career that will bring him pleasure and allow him to maximize his personal and professional potential.
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