



tutor, tutorant, tutoring, individualization, tutoring strategies, counseling


The article represents the implementation peculiarities of tutoring strategies in higher education, considers their impact on the academic performance and professional development of students, revealing the individual creative potential of future specialists. The study contains the advisability justification of using tutoring in the context of technological development of the holistic educational process for acquisition of the necessary professional competencies. Tutoring is an additional necessary component that complements the basic educational process; a tutor is a creative person, the head of a study group, who conducts group classes-workshops, provides psychological support and individual assistance to students in solving educational and personal problems related to studies; provides professional guidance and counseling. The article states that tutoring, combining the processes of ensuring the individualization of the educational space, relying on the formation of an individual's conscious request for learning, the subjectivity of educational activity, is the educational technology that most successfully integrates traditional and innovative approaches in educational process. The priority professional competencies of an education seeker, the formation of which is possible in the «tutor-tutorant» interaction, are described: adaptability, flexibility, willingness to help, personal effectiveness in difficult and non-standard professional situations, responsibility, organization and the ability to plan, self-development and personal growth, the ability to find solutions, effective communication, stress management, time management, mastery of modern information technologies. The methods and techniques of tutoring are proposed, which involve revealing the content and sequence of stages of tutoring activity, providing educational needs for the formation of a sustainable interest of education seekers, advisory support, joint reflection of intermediate and final results of joint activities.


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How to Cite

Shkarlatiuk К. І., Koshyrets В. В., & Prosina О. В. (2024). TUTORING IN HIGHER EDUCATION: IMPACT ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Psychological Studies, (1), 190–196. https://doi.org/10.32782/psych.studies/2024.1.26


