


self-image, self-consciousness, self-concept, self-esteem, self-actualization


The article presents a theoretical analysis of the concept of "self-concept" of a personality as a psychological phenomenon. It is noted that the "self-concept" is a basic phenomenon of functioning, organization of life and personal subjectivity. The purpose of the study is to analyze the approaches to defining the concept and structure of the phenomenon of the "self-concept" of a personality, to differentiate the terms "I", "self-concept", "self– system", "self-image", "personality identity" and to point out their difference, correlation or identity. The results of the theoretical discourse show that the "self-concept" is interpreted as a system of human ideas about oneself, one's own socio-demographic characteristics, cognitive abilities, behavioral manifestations, and psychological properties. The phenomenon of the "self-concept" is a substructure of the personality that integrates a wide range of "self-images" that determines the functioning of the personality as a whole. It is determined that the "self-concept" arises as a result of social interaction and forms the individual's beliefs about himself on the basis of his own and others' assessments. It is stated that destructive influences on the "I" structure of a personality can disrupt self-perception, self-esteem, provoke the emergence of neurotic, depressive states, and impair the quality of life and functioning of a personality. A positive self-image, maintaining friendly relations with members of the social environment, autonomy of a person as a subject of life, awareness of one's own personality and the desire for self-improvement ensure the quality of psychological well-being of an individual. We see the perspective of the study in the further research and conceptualization of the main psychological components of the manifestation of a person who has experienced traumatic experience of sexual abuse in childhood. The practical significance of the study is the further development of psychological assistance strategies to preserve the mental health and well-being of a person with incest trauma. 


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How to Cite

Глущенко, М. О. (2024). THE SELF-CONCEPT OF PERSONALITY AS PSYCHOLOGICAL PHENOMENON. Psychological Studies, (2), 20–27.


