


stress states, stress resilience, anxiety, adaptability, high school students, adolescents, empirical research


The article discusses an important issue of stress among high school students. It identifies that adolescence can be accompanied by significant stress due to substantial changes in physical, emotional, social, and psychological development. The main stress factors for high school students are identified as grades, tests, homework, transitioning to the next grade, entering higher education after school, relationships with classmates and teachers, peer rejection, lack of friends and recognition, social interactions, unrequited love, appearance issues, self-acceptance, among others. It is noted that high school students with low stress resilience may exhibit psychological traits such as heightened anxiety, limited adaptability, ineffective emotional regulation, low self-esteem, heightened perfectionism, and tendencies towards social isolation. The article analyzes the manifestations and consequences of stress among male adolescents. The study hypothesizes that there is a connection between stress resilience of high school students and their levels of anxiety and adaptability. To test this hypothesis, an empirical study was conducted using psychodiagnostic methods: the "Stress Resilience Questionnaire" by Holmes- Rahe, the "State-Trait Anxiety Inventory" by Spielberger-Hanin, and the "Self-Assessment of Psychological Adaptability" by N. P. Fetiskin, V. V. Kozlov, G. M. Manuilov. The study involved both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results obtained. Using correlation analysis, a statistically significant inverse correlation was found between stress resilience and anxiety, and a direct statistically significant correlation was found between stress resilience and adaptability, thus confirming the hypothesis. Based on the research findings, a proposal for developing a psychocorrective program to enhance stress resilience in high school students is suggested, which could be utilized by school psychologists. 


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How to Cite

Кошелева, Н. Г., & Тренбач, І. Є. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF STRESS MANIFESTATIONS IN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. Psychological Studies, (2), 48–53.


