психоемоційний стан, стрес, тривога, депресія, здобувачі вищої освіти, psycho-emotional condition, stress, anxiety, depression, higher education studentsAbstract
The relevance of the study is due to the impact of a number of stress factors that are intensified by the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war. War is an extremely stressful and traumatic event for the psyche. Being under the influence of psychotraumatic and stressful events, young people face mental health problems as a result. The article is devoted to an empirical study of the psycho-emotional condition of higher education students in wartime. To achieve this goal, the standardized and valid DASS-21 methodology (Ukrainian version) was used, which allows assessing the levels of depression, anxiety and stress. The main signs and characteristic manifestations of such psycho-emotional conditions as stress, anxiety and depression are highlighted. Using the Ukrainian version of the DASS-21 methodology, it was found that in wartime, students are constantly exposed to stress factors, and this negatively affects their psycho-emotional condition. The psychological service conducted a survey of students of a higher education institution (Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University) using Google forms. The sample consisted of representatives of the first– and fourth-year students and master's degree students. According to the results of the study, only 36% of the total number of students have normal values of the DASS-21 test. Thus, according to the Depression scale, 46% of students have varying degrees of depression (from mild to very severe), up to 30% with signs of severe depression. According to the "Anxiety" scale, the severity of this psycho-emotional condition is within the normal range in 46%, but high in 54%. As for the stressful state, 39% of respondents have normal levels, 29% have moderate levels, and 32% have high levels. We see the prospects for our further research in the development of a programme of psychological assistance and support for students of higher education institutions in wartime.
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