psychodiagnostic aspect, psychological help, unemployed, suicidal behavior, suicidal thoughts, suicidal preventionAbstract
The article describes the psychological aspects of suicide among the unemployed, it is noted that this problem remains unsolved in the world, and therefore it is becoming more and more urgent, especially against the background of the growth of its indicators, which, in particular, in Ukraine, is becoming epidemic in nature. That is why suicidal behavior in modern science and practice is considered as an acute medico-social and socio-psychological problem, which is constantly in the field of view of specialists of various fields: sociologists, lawyers, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, teachers.However, the average Ukrainian more often condemns a suicide or perceives him as a mentally ill person who – he is sure – cannot be helped, and people whose loved ones or relatives committed suicide have to suffer from unjustified accusations and ambiguous comments from others. Suicidal behavior is an act of will, the structure of which includes suicidal thoughts, plans, intentions, parasuicide, completed suicide. To date, there is no consensus among representatives of various psychological schools regarding the cause of suicide, but the driving forces contributing to its occurrence are social, individual psychological and physical factors. It is described that among the consequences of unemployment there is a sharp decrease in self-esteem and an increase in negative emotional states, in many cases there is a depressive syndrome with suicidal tendencies. It is the stress experienced during the period of unemployment, which is also provoked by family members, that can cause a shortening of a person's life expectancy. Therefore, we believe that it is important to provide high-quality psychological help and support to such categories of the population and their partners to prevent suicide. Therefore, for effective suicide prevention, it is important to identify individual vulnerability at an early stage in order to make attempts to prevent its aggravation.
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