correctional programme, coping behaviour, women victims of domestic violence, resilience, tolerance to uncertainty, codependency, self-attitude, effectiveness of the correctional programme, supportAbstract
The article analyses the results of the effectiveness of the implementation of a correctional programme for women victims of domestic violence, which was created as part of a dissertation study designed to study the psychological conditions for the formation of constructive coping, as well as the possibilities of corrective measures and support for representatives of this category; to improve choice and psychological well-being, which will undoubtedly affect the quality of life of victims. The research was aimed at preliminary studying and subsequent stimulation of constructive coping strategies, indicators of resilience, tolerance to uncertainty, as well as correct communication behaviour and positive self-attitude. These aspects provide a multifaceted approach to the formation of cognitive, affective and conative components that directly affect the comprehensive provision of the correctional programme in solving the task. Since the victims have some specific difficulties in using coping strategies, which depend not only on their desire but also on the specific psychological characteristics of personality formation, it was necessary to create special corrective support measures. In order to develop the necessary skills, positive reframing, psycho-emotional stabilisation, tolerance to uncertainty, and improved self-image, the students were given step-by-step training to stimulate the following dynamics of change. The programme allows for a preliminary analysis of the weaknesses in the choice of a particular behavioural strategy by affected women, which helps to focus on the necessary aspects of processing and stimulation, sometimes using rehabilitation techniques and tools. The various components of the programme allow for the change of destructive patterns to constructive ones, thanks to the deep impact, skills development and psychological well-being of women.
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