success, motivation of achievements, self-confidence, trainingAbstract
The article presents a theoretical justification of the psycholinguistic category of achievement motivation, which is one of the main basic qualities of student personality formation. Based on the analysis of authoritative sources, it was found out that the virtual communication space in general and the active use of the Internet in particular significantly affect the features of communicative-mediated communication of young people, deforming its verbal component. The purpose of the article is to provide theoretical justification and empirical research of the development of motivation for students ' achievements by means of psychological training. The study uses a set of methods, namely a theoretical analysis of works devoted to the problem of success in scientific publications of the last two decades. Also, in order to study the effectiveness of the developed training program, a number of empirical methods were applied – observation, experiment, testing, and the expert assessment method. In order to develop achievement motivation, the psychological training "formation of achievement motivation" was developed and implemented. The algorithm for developing and applying tasks for classes is described. The study involved 64 respondents from among 4th and 5th year students. To test the effectiveness of training for the development of motivation for students ' achievements in control groups, the methods "self-confidence (S. Raydas)" and "method of personality diagnostics for motivation for success by T. Ehlers "were used. The results obtained were processed using statistical methods. The effectiveness of psychological training "formation of achievement motivation" on the development of an optimal level of self-confidence is proved, which generally acts as a predictor of more effective strategies for developing motivation for success achievements. The prospect of further research of gender differences in the motivation of success achievements and their impact on the mental development of the individual in late adolescence is proposed.
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