professional education, future psychologists, artificial intelligence (AI), academic integrityAbstract
In conditions of total mental traumatisation of Ukrainians the process of training future psychologists requires careful formation of their professional competence and responsibility. Therefore, the question of the nature and results of the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the professional training of future psychologists is a serious challenge for domestic educational practice due to the risks of violating academic integrity. A study with the participation of 92 students of the first to fourth years highlighted the contradictions of using AI in the process of professional training of future psychologists. It has been established that currently the implementation of AI in professional training of psychology students has a completely spontaneous nature. The majority of interviewed future psychologists repeatedly used AI when preparing independent and qualifying papers, passing test control, while not recognizing their actions as a violation of academic integrity. Future psychologists identify such advantages of using AI in professional education as generation of interesting ideas, addition, systematization and structuring of information, quick collection of necessary/ useful information. Unreliable, false or politically engaged information, lack of links to sources of information, inaccurate data or action algorithms, informational or visual hallucinations appeared as widespread shortcomings of AI. The majority of the interviewed sample is convinced of the impossibility of completely replacing the psychologist's AI, positioning this technology as only an auxiliary resource. It is a positive fact that students have multifaceted ideas about the use of AI in the professional activities of psychologists. Most of the teachers, in the opinion of the interviewees, express a sceptical attitude towards the use of AI in the professional training of psychology students, some teachers avoid this issue. The identified trends provide grounds for teachers to activate issues of ethics and integrity in the use of AI by psychology students in the process of professional training.
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