


self-esteem, self-attitude, codependent behavior, self-respect, autosympathy, self-interest, self-confidence, self-acceptance, self-consistency, self-blame, self-understanding, optimism, resources, personality


The article is devoted to the study of the features of self-attitude and manifestations of codependent personality behavior. In today's difficult conditions, the problem of self-esteem is particularly acute. The work includes a theoretical analysis of the concept of self-attitude, its link with self-esteem, as well as the study of the connection of the phenomenon with the manifestations of codependent behavior of the individual. Empirical research was conducted among people aged 18 to 52 years, different in terms of gender, specialty of study, professional employment, family situation and social status. The following methods were used in the work: Spahn and Fisher Codependency Scale, Weinhold Self-Esteem Questionnaire, Self-Attitude Test-Questionnaire. The results of the study were processed using the methods of mathematical statistics. According to the results of the study, it was found that the majority of respondents have a moderate tendency to codependent behavior, other participants almost equally divided between the categories of strong tendency to these patterns and its absence. It was found that people who do not have a tendency to codependent behavior patterns have high self-esteem in most areas of life. On the contrast, people with a moderate tendency to codependent behavior patterns have low self-esteem in several areas of life, individuals with a strong tendency to codependent behavior have low self-esteem in various life areas. The qualities of self-attitude of individuals were determined depending on the tendency to display codependent behavior. Individuals with a strong tendency have a significantly low level of expression of self-respect, self-sympathy, expectation of a positive attitude, self-confidence and a high level of self-blame. People with a moderate tendency of patterns to codependent behavior have pronounced level of self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-understanding, self-consistency, liking and interest in themselves. However, the expectation of a positive relationship from others, as well as the feeling of confidence in one's own abilities are found at lower levels, they can be prone to self-blame. Individuals without codependent behavior patterns have significant higher pronounced self-respect, self-sympathy, interest in themselves, and self-understanding. The results of the research have significant practical value and can be used for further scientific exploration and improvement of psychological assistance programs. 


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How to Cite

Чачко, С. Л., & Дибяк, А. А. (2024). SELF-ATTITUDE AND CODEPENDENT BEHAVIOR OF PERSONALITY. Psychological Studies, (2), 136–143.


