psychological state, mental health, psychological well-being, management of psychological well-being, post-traumatic life creationAbstract
The article examines the issue of risks and consequences of war for the mental health and psychological well-being of Ukrainians. The results of research conducted by Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the psychological state and consequences of the impact of traumatic events on the mental health of different categories of Ukrainian citizens are analyzed. It was determined that the main consequences are an increased level of anxiety, depression, negative somatic and physiological manifestations, an increase in cases of addictive behavior, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. However, there are also protective factors for people's psychological well-being, in particular, such as social support, satisfactory quality of life, adaptive emotional regulation strategies, distraction strategies, supportive meaningful narratives, etc. The article reveals the concept of psychological well-being management, which is understood as a set of measures, strategies and practices aimed at supporting, improving and preserving the psychological well-being of individuals and groups. It is proposed to be implemented in accordance with the concept of "healthy organization" comprehensively at the following levels: individual, group, organizational, inter-organizational, national. The practices, techniques and methods of nurturing one's own psychological well-being and external psychological interventions considered appropriate at the individual level are characterized. Directions and forms of support for the psychological well-being of the personnel of organizations at the group, organizational and inter-organizational levels are proposed. Ways of preserving the psychological well-being of citizens have been identified, which should be implemented at the state level. It is assumed that the implementation of the psychological well-being management system will improve the psychological state, mental health of Ukrainians, and contribute to successful post-traumatic life creation.
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