


adaptation, social environment, interaction, social environment, crisis situation


The article identifies the problems and specifics of adaptation in the context of social manifestations. The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of adaptation in the social environment both in the context of stable and unstable (crisis) manifestations. Adaptation is considered in the article as a multifaceted process that covers aspects of adaptation to social normative requirements, as an element of the established normative manifestation of behaviour within a particular society as such. The article examines various components of this phenomenon, such as the stability of social elements and their impact on adaptation processes in the social environment. The author emphasises that the aspect of the importance of involvement of social institutions remains important, since in many respects they can ensure the phenomenon of society's functioning and facilitate the involvement of an individual in the environment. It is also emphasised that the manifestation of instability that may arise leads to the manifestation of crisis involvement, complicates the process of adaptation in the social environment. It is emphasized that adaptation in the context of crisis and social transformations is becoming more relevant, since there is a phenomenon of difficulty in taking into account external conditions, which inherently leads to the problem of an individual's ability to respond quickly and effectively to a crisis manifestation within the established social environment, which, in turn, leads to the actualisation and the need to study new approaches to social adaptation, taking into account the existing modern challenges of the social environment and functioning within the social manifestation. Within the framework of this work, the phenomenon of adaptation in social manifestation is considered as one of the main components of the life of both an individual and the social environment, which inherently provides the phenomenon of stability and ability to regulate.


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How to Cite

Kononenko А. О., Khodotaiev А. А., & Kvasha А. О. (2024). ADAPTATION IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT. Psychological Studies, (3), 27–31.


