


psychological trauma, traumatic event, post-traumatic stress disorder, diagnosis, life perspective


This article provides a theoretical analysis of the problem of post-traumatic stress disorder as a consequence of traumatic experience. In psychology, more and more attention is being paid to psychological trauma and its impact on a person and his or her life prospects. Psychological trauma is no less dangerous for a person than physical trauma and can have a much stronger and deeper impact on their health than a physical illness, so it is necessary to study this problem for further effective solution. A traumatic event is a key trigger for the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as it is the stress experienced, a threat to life or safety, that causes a person's mental balance to be disturbed. Trauma can be the result of war, physical or psychological violence, natural disaster, accident, or any event that causes a strong sense of fear, helplessness, or terror. PTSD is formed because the psyche is unable to fully integrate and process traumatic experiences, which is why these experiences are stored in the form of intrusive memories, flashbacks, and high levels of stress that persist even after the threatening event has ended. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of traumatic experience on a person and his or her life prospects. The methodology of the study combined theoretical analysis of the literature, the main purpose of which was to define the concept of post-traumatic stress disorder as a consequence of traumatic experience. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental condition that occurs as a result of experiencing severe traumatic events such as war, violence, accidents, or disasters. PTSD manifests itself in the form of recurrent intrusive memories, nightmares, severe stress, and avoidance of situations related to the trauma. Among the characteristic symptoms of PTSD are increased anxiety, irritability, depression, and difficulty sleeping, which negatively affects a person's daily functioning. The article discusses the main risk factors associated with the development of PTSD, as well as modern methods of its diagnosis. Particular attention is paid to the role of social support and adaptive strategies that help improve the mental health of people with PTSD. The study used a set of psychodiagnostic methods for diagnosing and identifying PTSD, the results of which are planned to be used in a number of scientific publications. The article emphasizes a comprehensive approach to understanding the consequences of PTSD and the importance of early intervention to minimize its long-term effects on the quality of life of patients.


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How to Cite

Kryzhanovska З. Ю., & Mudryk А. Б. (2024). POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER AS A CONSEQUENCE OF TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES. Psychological Studies, (3), 32–38.


