personality of a doctor, professional development, professional training, psychological features of professional development, personal development, self-developmentAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study modern approaches to the study of the problem of personal and professional formation of the doctor’s personality, with the aim of improving the conditions of his professional development. The research methodology is based on theoretical principles arising from the peculiarities of professional activity within the framework of the general psychological theory of activity, the specifics and peculiarities of the professional activity of a doctor, the psychological support of the professional development of a doctor at various stages of professional training. The scientific novelty of the study consists in carrying out a theoretical analysis of the problem of the personal and professional development of a specialist and determining the psychological features of the personal and professional development of a doctor, as well as in expanding knowledge about the psychological features and conditions of the professional development of a specialist. We understand the professional formation of an individual as certain stages of mastering the chosen profession, which are determined not only by the system of professional education, professional training and the specifics of practical activity, but also by the individual and psychological properties of the individual and the features of self-regulation of one’s own professional development. The professional formation of a doctor is impossible without taking into account the basic provisions of the competence approach and requires the individual to be aware of individual psychological features, professionally important qualities and to identify himself with the profession, because the professional context forms the basis for the realization of personal psychological tendencies in the formation of the personality of a specialist.
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