stress, stress resistance, mindfulness, self-regulation, mindfulness practiceAbstract
The study of the relationship between an individual’s ability to mindfulness and their stress resistance is of utmost importance and relevance, due to the psychological challenges that the population of Ukraine is currently facing. Given that the ongoing war has been an exceedingly stressful event profoundly impacting the mental health of Ukrainians for over two and a half years, it has caused numerous psychological conditions among the population. These include stress, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In these circumstances, people are looking for ways to maintain emotional balance and maintain their mental resilience. Identifying factors that can improve resilience are crucial for developing effective mental health support strategies for people affected by the war. Mindfulness is the psychological ability to remain present and focused on the current moment, while cultivating an attitude of acceptance and non-judgment towards one’s own thoughts and experiences. The commonly used definition of mindfulness as intentional, non-judgmental awareness was introduced by J. Kabat-Zinn to describe the training in the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program, which focused on the practical application of mindfulness techniques. Extensive research conducted by scientists, including psychologists, physicians, and biologists from different countries has provided empirical evidence supporting that mindfulness techniques can be effective in reducing stress and developing psychological flexibility. These techniques help people in regulating their emotional responses, reducing their intensity and preventing excessive focus on negative emotions and experiences. Empirical evidence supports the efficacy of these techniques, explaining the underlying mechanisms responsible for these effects. Given that mindfulness is a complex phenomenon, individual differences exist in the ability to cultivate and express this state (both in general manifestation and in the manifestation of its various components). Studying these individual differences will facilitate a deeper understanding of the psychological nuances of mindfulness at the personal level. The study of the impact of mindfulness on the stress resistance of Ukrainians during wartime holds both theoretical and practical significance. The findings of such a study will contribute to the development of psychological support programs for populations experiencing traumatic events. These programs will help people adapt to the difficult conditions of war, which can ultimately improve public health and social stability. The established influence of mindfulness components (observation, verbal description of experience, and non-responsiveness) on the manifestation of personality stress resistance can serve as a valuable guide for developing content for both developmental and rehabilitative programs.
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