


suicidal behavior, self-aggression, gender differences, depression, coping strategies, social support, suicide prevention, psychocorrection, resilience, emotional regulation


The article is dedicated to the study of suicidal behavior in adults, particularly among men and women. It describes various forms of self-aggression, their psychological and social factors. The authors draw attention to gender differences in manifestations of suicidal behavior: men more often commit completed suicides using lethal methods, while women more frequently resort to less lethal attempts. The study proposes an interdisciplinary approach to prevention, including psycho-correctional programs aimed at developing adaptive coping strategies and increasing resilience. Biological, psychological, and social factors influencing the formation of suicidal behavior are considered. Among the key psychological risk factors, depression, anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, and feelings of hopelessness are highlighted. The article presents the results of an empirical study on the psychological characteristics of suicidal behavior in adult men, including factor and regression analysis. Based on the obtained data, a psycho-correctional program is proposed that takes into account gender specifics and is aimed at reducing suicide risk by developing adaptive coping strategies and improving social and psychological adaptation.


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How to Cite

Федоренко, Р. П., & Єзерська, А. О. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR IN ADULTS. Psychological Studies, (3), 63–70.


