
  • Tamara Bulchyk
  • Valentyn Mushkevych




militarymen, stress, psychological condition, posttraumatic stress disorder, traumatic situation, frustration


The article describes the scientific approaches to the study of psychological peculiarities of the behavior and conditions of militarymen who participate in combat operations. It was found that they are characterized not only by the increased risk of mental disorders, but also by a high level of emotional disorders. These emotional disturbances can be manifested in a condition of acute fear, hysterical reactions, various psychotic disorders. It is highlighted that militarymen have physiological, emotional and social stress. It is noted that servicemen are are not always ready to accept innovations and have problems of addaptation to the changes, trying to independently control the situation. It has been established that the militaryman have an average level of manifestation of such psychological states as anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness and rigidity that generates certain features in the structure of the person and its functioning in the society. It is proved that the most common type of frustration behavior of militarymen is extrapuntional reaction with fixation on self-defense, indicating propensity for hostility, condemnation, accusations, reproaches and sarcasms; an active denial of one’s own blame and an attempt to justify himself. It is highlighted that the least common type is the extrapuntional reaction with fixation on satisfaction. This type is characterized by an interpretation of the frustration situation as useful or pleasing. It has been found that the majority of military personnel have a very low level of social frustration, which testifies an adequate perception of oneself in society and normal interaction in society. It has been established that militarymen are more likely to be satisfied with their status in socially determined hierarchies. It is highlighted that the relationship with children and the wife, the opportunity to have a common leisure and relationships with friends and relatives has the lowest impact on the emergence or leveling of their frustration. It was investigated that such spheres of life of the person as events in the state and society, the material situation and the sphere of services and consumer services cause a high risk for the occurrence of frustration.


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How to Cite

Бульчик, Т. І., & Мушкевич, В. О. (2022). EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL MANIFESTATIONS OF MILITARY SERVANTS WHO ARE IN THE WAR ZONE. Psychological Studies, (1), 24–32. https://doi.org/10.32782/psych.studies/2022.1.5


