
  • Oksana Fenyna



victim, personality, victim complex, the role of the victim, the immaturity of the person


The article presents the problem of the formation of the victim’s complex, as one form of manifestation of such a person’s position, when he plays the role of a loser, feels inner helplessness, has a habit of regretting and begging for self-pity, which leads to a delay in personal development. Psychological features of the manifestation of volatile behavior, features of people with a victim complex are described, focusing on the issue of overcoming this problem. The results of the study of the formation, manifestation and overcoming of the victim complex on the basis of individual consultative work are described. The complex of a victim into a person is a serious problem and a threat both for him and for society as a whole. In the people-victims, the dominant is fear, insecurity, a tendency to blame both specific people and the power, the country for failures. One of the factors in the formation of the victim’s complex is education. Parents or other significant close people who are also endowed with this complex, gave it to their children, raising them under the slogans – “you should”, “need”, did not allow them to make independent decisions. The peculiarity of human nature is that we all want happiness, freedom, and at the same time voluntarily refuse it, deny our responsibility for the events in our lives. The helplessness of the victim is not connected with humility. When we talk about humility, we mean that a person steadfastly accepts the blows of fate. The behavior of the victim is not humility. This is a failure to take responsibility for their actions, words, decisions. A happy person is first of all a person who is a creator and master of his life.


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How to Cite

Фенина, О. Я. (2022). FORMATION OF VICTIM’S COMPLEX. Psychological Studies, (1), 65–68.


