young spouses, life cycle of a family, marital crisis, psychological protective mechanisms, overcoming strategies, marital psychologyAbstract
The article represents the peculiarities of the crisis of a young couple, analyzes the approaches to the problem of family adaptation, possible reactions of partners to the critical situation in the family, and examines diagnostic tools and psychotherapeutic models that can be used in practical work with the family. The results of the study made it possible to deepen the understanding of the peculiarities of the crisis in the young family. We have four forms of responding to a marital conflict and two response lines – protective and co-owner. It is proved that the violation of family adaptation as a manifestation of the family crisis has specific features in numerous variants of the pathology of a young marriage: conditionally adapted, forming a "dead", isolated, symbiotic and pseudoconsortium marriage; undated, which form the habitually conflict, emotionally alienated, rigorously rational and "swinging" types of marriages. The use of one or another model of counseling is determined by two factors: the nature of the revealed defect in marital relations and the style of the work of the therapist. If the disorder of family functioning is related to the fact that the person is a psychopathic person, then it will be expedient to use the energy and symptomatic model. In variants of marital disharmony, which may be due to latent, unconscious psychic dynamics, a semantic model of counseling is given. In the opposite case, the transition of pathogenesis therapy to the symptomatic, which is aimed at the formation of adaptive forms of behavior.
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