
  • Tetiana Gordovska
  • Liudmyla Malimon



personality, mental health, subjective well-being, criteria, indicators, levels of mental health


The article deals with the phenomenon of mental health of the person, approaches to the study of this concept, its main functional characteristics and components. It is highlighted the notion of subjective well-being within psychological research, its essence and its place in the structure of mental health. The influence of individual personality characteristics on the experience of subjective well-being is determined. Approaches to the understanding of psychological well-being and its interrelation with the mental health of the individual are investigated. The article deals with theoretical analysis and generalization of basic researches of the structure of subjective well-being as one of the indicators of mental health of the individual. Mental health is considered as a condition that involves a comprehensive general development and harmonious work of all mental functions; a state of mental well-being, which manifests itself in the absence of the psychogenic pain and is a guarantee of adequate regulation of activity and behavior. The level of subjective well-being confirms the position of a person regarding the possibilities and extent of realization its potential, and is a prerequisite for the realization of goals, dynamic lifestyle, maximally productive and positive interaction with people. To sum up, subjective wellbeing / ill-being of a person can be regarded as an indicator of her mental health, while mental health is an objective, real manifestation of subjective well-being.


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How to Cite

Gordovska Т. І., & Malimon Л. Я. (2022). SUBJECTIVEWELL-BEING AS AN INDICATOR OF MENTAL HEALTH OF PERSONALITY. Psychological Studies, (2), 21–28.


